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Chameleon Feeding Recommendations

Feeder insects:

Crickets (size appropriate)

Dubia Roaches (size appropriate)

Superworms (size appropriate)

Phoenix Worms



(There are many feeders that I have not listed here that are acceptable, these are what I feed mine on a normal basis.  You can google feeders to get more information.)

You should gutload your insects before feeding them to your chameleon.  I feed my bugs fresh fruits and vegetables.  Butternut Squash, Kale, Potatoes, berries…


RepCal Phosphorous-free Calcium Powder, without Vitamin D3 (“green” label)

RepCal Phosphorous-free Calcium Powder, with Vitamin D3 (“pink” label)

RepCal Herptivite Multi-Vitamin

Powdered Bee Pollen is also supposed to be a great supplement and the Chams seem to like it as well.  I lightly dust my feeders about 1 or 2 times a week with this.

Feeder insects should be dusted daily with RepCal Phosphorous-free Calcium Powder, without Vitamin D3 (“green” label).

Once every 14 days, feeder insects should be dusted with RepCal Phosphorous-free Calcium Powder, with Vitamin D3 (“pink” label).

Once a week, feeders should be dusted with RepCal Herptivite Multi-Vitamin in addition to RepCal Calcium, Phosphorous free, without Vitamin D3 (“green” label).

For females, it is a good idea to keep liquid Calcium Gluconate on hand for administration after egg-laying.

Nutrition Recommendations: Text
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